Written by Santi Daza
Being a senior is something most students look forward to. Finally being the oldest in the school, taking the hardest classes, and getting everything that comes with being a senior. Senior year is a very exciting year, especially since it has over 12 years of education leading up to your final year.
My class, the class of 2022, reached our senior year this year. I think I can speak for my whole class when I say that our senior year is going by fast. It feels like we had our last first day of school yesterday, and we have less than 4 weeks left. Time is flying by, and before you know it, we’ll be walking across to get our diplomas at Graduation.
There’s a name for all the effects seniors get throughout their senior year; Senioritis. Senioritis is the feeling Seniors get when time flies, or when they start to countdown the days left, or even stop caring about their grades.
I’ve been feeling Senioritis my whole year, and I’ve especially been feeling it recently. During soccer season, I remember counting down every game and realizing how many practices I had left until my high school career ended. During Homecoming, I realized that it was my last Homecoming ever. Now that state tests are coming up, I’ve realized that I’ll probably never take another state, SAT, or ACT test again. It’s a very crazy feeling, but it makes me even more excited for the future.
In order to show how much Senioritis has been affecting my class, I sent out a survey asking seniors to answer whether or not they have been feeling any symptoms of Senioritis. Out of everyone, over 90% of the seniors that responded have felt at least one symptom, which included: wanting to leave school already, less effort in school work, or feeling like time is flying by. In the text box for responses, multiple responses had to do with senior year feeling like a countdown until graduation on May 27th.
Overall, I’d assume that every ¾ of seniors are feeling some kind of symptom of Senioritis this year. As of the time of this writing, there are 4 weeks left until graduation. I can say that I’ve felt every symptom, especially the countdown until our last day. To me, it’s crazy that we’re reaching the day we’ve all waited for, and I’m so excited to finally walk across the stage and get the piece of paper I worked 12 years for.
photo credit: https://sites.bu.edu/ombs/2016/02/02/the-science-behind-senioritis/