Written by Madeline Matheny
Veterans Day is a national holiday, recognized in the United States in addition to numerous other countries around the globe. November 11th marks the anniversary of World War I, the same day the world annually celebrates those who served. This day is devoted to those who pledged themselves to their country, many even losing their lives in the process. This historic day dedicates itself to honoring the lives of soldiers and remembering those who gave their lives fighting for what they believed in.
These dedicated soldiers may be found all over the world, including Darby High school in Hilliard, Ohio.
Guidance counselor, Norb Fischer, served in the U.S. Army Reserve for 6 years from 2000-2005. He shared about his role during this time saying, “My military occupational specialty was a Chaplain. I counseled many young soldiers in this role while on deployment in Iraq. It was the first step to me recognizing that being a school counselor would be a great occupational fit.” Mr. Fischer discussed his choice to serve in the military saying, “I wanted to serve in the military because I value the freedoms and privileges provided by our country. As cliché as it may sound, those freedoms are not free and I wanted to feel like I did my part to contribute to something bigger than myself.”
Social studies teacher, Micheal Weer, served in the Navy for 6 years from 1986-1992. During this time, he explains, “I was an Aviation Electronic Tech: I worked on the radar system of the F-14 fighter plane.” Mr. Weer explained why he decided to serve in the military, saying, “I was not focused enough as a student in high school. I knew I would struggle in college if I didn’t grow up a little. The military was a logical place to go to help me become an adult.”
Last but not least, college counselor, Tom Woodford, served in the Ohio Army National Guard for 6 years active and 2 years inactive. He explains what he did saying, “I was an infantry while being trained to manage a guided-missile weapon.” Mr. Woodford joined the military for a similar reason saying, “My father served in the military and I wanted to do something for my country. It gave me a place to ‘grow up’ after high school graduation.”
The decision to serve in the military is a serious one that should not be taken lightly. However, the time there can teach you numerous lessons and skills.
Tom Woodford offers, “My advice would be to take advantage of ALL the educational opportunities while serving”
Veteran Norb Fischer advises, “The military is a great fit for so many people for many different reasons. From those who come from strong, stable backgrounds to those who haven't had much structure in their lives. When you serve in the military, you work with others all the time -- working in a team is essential. For some, this team becomes their family. It is a brotherhood/sisterhood that is never broken. To this day, I have a circle of friends that stay in touch, largely because of the experiences we faced together. For others who need structure and direction, the military is able to provide that and show how order can bring about success. There are so many different occupations in the military, there is something for everyone. Many people retire after serving twenty or more years in the military and go on to a second career, which can be financially beneficial as well.” In Mr. Fisher's experience, he says, “I learned how to be a leader, to speak effectively and succinctly, to take care of myself physically, to work well with a multitude of people from extremely diverse backgrounds while focusing on a goal bigger than myself, among many other things.”
Mr. Weer says, “To make sure you’re learning a skill/job that you can do if/when you decide to leave the military.” He says he learned, “Everything, it had the biggest impact on making me the person that I am today: I had a pretty narrow view of the world when I went in. My time in the military opened my eyes to things around me. It helped me understand the importance of family, friends, and being a part of something greater than yourself, and in enjoying the now.”
The dedication of our veterans is incredibly valuable and Veterans Day allows the people to honor them, showing those veterans that their loyalty is recognized. Veterans Day is a day to take time to appreciate those around you who served and honor those who are now longer present.